Why we named the pieces after female designers


Why did we name the pieces after female designers.

Badass Women:

Our name connects us uniquely to our identity and individuality. Names often live on in the minds of others long after we are gone. And so it only felt natural and fitting that the names for the pieces in my collection should be real people's names - and I chose to pay tribute to other female designers who came before me. Growing up, I was not often taught about female designers who made a large historical impact, so I had to do my homework. And the more I read, the more I was inspired by those who paved the way in a variety of design-related fields.

It's not only their innovative ideas that garnered these women notable, it is my understanding of how difficult their journey into fields historically dominated by men likely was. Opportunities were scarce, bias was high, and the pressures associated with being the first or only one in a field added another layer to overcome. It is without question that these women were likely subject to discrimination and harassment, yet broke barriers nonetheless.

So as you look at my body of work, know that I was and continues to be inspired by accomplished, badass female designers who paved the way for me. By telling their stories and sharing their names, I pay them the highest respect I know.

Adrian Compean Garcia